Unusual Ear Cleaning Methods from Around the World


Ear cleaning is an essential part of personal hygiene and health maintenance. While the standard method for cleaning ears is using cotton swabs or ear drops, various cultures around the world have developed their own unique ear cleaning practices and tools.

Ear Candling

One of the most well-known unusual ear cleaning methods is ear candling, practiced by Native American tribes and ancient cultures like the Egyptians and Chinese. A hollow candle is inserted into the ear canal and lit on the other end. The gentle heat creates a vacuum effect, drawing out wax and debris. However, this method is controversial as it may pose risks of burns or injury if not done properly.

Ear Picks

In many East Asian countries like Japan, China, and Korea, ear picks are commonly used for ear cleaning. These small tools, usually made of metal or bamboo, are designed to scoop out wax from the ear canal. While effective when used with caution, excessive use of ear picks can lead to impacted ear wax or injury to the ear canal.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, a practice originating from Ayurvedic medicine in India, involves swishing oil (usually coconut or sesame) in the mouth to remove toxins and bacteria. Some people believe that oil pulling can also help with ear wax buildup by drawing out impurities through the Eustachian tubes.

Ear Flushing

In Turkey, a traditional method of ear cleaning involves a technique called ear flushing, where warm water is flushed into the ear canal using a special tool called an ear syringe. The force of the water helps dislodge wax and debris, allowing them to flow out of the ear.

Herbal Ear Drops

In some parts of the world, herbal ear drops are used for ear cleaning and to treat ear infections. These drops contain natural ingredients like garlic, mullein, or eucalyptus oil, known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider before using herbal ear drops to avoid any adverse effects.


Exploring these unusual ear cleaning methods from different cultures can provide insights into the diversity of practices aimed at maintaining ear, throat, and nose health. While some methods may have benefits, it is crucial to approach ear cleaning with caution and seek professional advice if experiencing any ear-related issues.